Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oh today...

I am feeling a bit low today -maybe it is the weather, maybe it is the lack of sleep - we have a problem with visiting fighting cats in the middle of the is becomming very tedious, any suggestions welcome.

Tonight is my Creative Splurge, once a week I try to get to a friends house where we chat and giggle and do whatever craft project is on our plates at the moment. Hopefully inspiration will strike before now and then - last week I dont think I even opened my bag, instead drinking numerous cups of hot water and de-briefing, which is fine, we all need to de-brief every now and then.

Maybe it is because I haven't got an actual project to work on. Since learnig to crochet - which I am loving still, I can't seem to commit to a project and keep trying out little bits of things, trying stiches and techniques - I really want a project that stirs within me......any suggestions welcome!

Well maybe some fresh air will help - the rain has stopped for the moment, I will collect the eggs, and hopefully my thoughts at the same time.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How long has it been? Far too long. It has been hectic here, and I can't pinpoint why, just busy with life I suppose.

Master N has been having a wonderful time constructing his cubby, and every time I here him banging nails in it makes my heart sing!

I have tried some of my baking challenges, the first one being ....... macaroons!

And I had a little peek in the oven while they were cooking - look at those 'feet' - I must admit, I did a little dance in the kitchen when I saw those infamous 'feet'!

I think they worked out, I haven't tried one before (must rectify that!) but they looked like the picture.

Could possibly have mixed the mixture a little bit longer....and I definitely want to try different flavours, I think they would be nicer with different flavours so I need to get my hands on some freeze-dried fruits and other ingredients that will not add moisture to the mix. I also need to get some colouring powder......where is my list......

The next thing on my list was to give Whoopie Pies a try. They were great! And very yummy!

I needed to get some special ingredients from a shop that imports USA foods. That jar of 'Jet Puffed' (marshmallow) is lethal...straight out of the jar yum, and sooo many possibilities!

I made the traditional Whoopie (chocolate biscuit with marshmallow fluff centre) and then tried a chocolate biscuit part with mint butter icing in the middle - oh yeh, so good.

I took these to my nephews birthday party and they went like lightening.

I am still trying to get some crocheting done but I keep falling asleep in front of the fire at night - I must be getting old....hmmmmm. Hopefully it has more to do with the fact that I have been helping Carl on the farm a bit which has been great, but, well, tiring!

Photos of the skirt that I made Miss J still to is finished and has been well worn - yay!